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Vishram Singh General Ana My Torrent Ebook Rar (pdf) Full Version


An introduction to an informative and factual blog post about the anatomy of the body. It include a pdf link and a definition of the subject matter. The human body is an incredibly complex and diverse system that can still provide countless lessons in biology, physiology, medicine, neuroscience, and other fields even after centuries of research. The field of anatomy encompasses many different aspects of this study such as embryology (the study of what actually makes up our bodies), histology (the study of cells), neuroanatomy (the study of what we learn from our brains) or pathology (what we can learn from diseased tissues). The following article aims to provide an overview of the human anatomy. The skeleton is the foundation of all of our bodies. It provides support and structure for the larger tissues, provides attachment points for muscles, holds organs in place, maintains joint integrity, and creates many critical pathways that allow our bodies to function properly. The skeleton consists of two components - the axial (spinal column) system and appendicular (limb) system. The axial system is composed mostly of bone cells embedded within connective tissue called Fascial Ligaments (see image above). The 4 major bones of the axial system include: The appendicular system is composed of the pectoral and pelvic girdles and the bones that make up our limbs. Our appendages are extremely complex structures composed of bones, joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and connective tissue. The joints are designed to move by sliding one bone over another at a specific joint that has two surfaces (articular surfaces) covered with hyaline cartilage for smooth movement. The intrinsic muscles allow us to manipulate objects using our hands. The extrinsic muscles allow use to manipulate objects further away from our bodies or to stabilize body parts while performing movements at other locations. The osseous system provides the framework for all the body's organs and blood vessels. The eustachian tubes connect our ears to our nose and are found between many bones of the skull. The muscles that move our eyes and eyelids belong to the skeletal system, as does the ligament that supports our eyes and head bone or facial bone. The bones of the inner ear also belong to the skeleton. The sinus cavities within which we store facial features, such as nostrils, ears and lips (upper jaw), as well as those that protect other parts of the body such as knees (lower jaw), hips (thoracic cage) and shoulders (clavicle) also belong to this system. The sinuses are not true cavities because they are not surrounded by bone. Instead, they are surrounded by very permeable membranes of connective tissue called mucosal membrane. The bones of the eye are replaced with cartilage at birth and replaced with bone after about 2 years of age. The nervous system is made up of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system which is composed of many different nerve systems, controlling organs in various locations throughout our bodies. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord which are made up mostly of neurons that allow us to think, feel, move, see, hear and smell. 69cfa1e7782086

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